PC Gaming 2 Me

PC gaming screenshots, videos, and info. (Do not use Chrome it improperly scales the images)

Monday, February 1, 2010


Leading the way in the sports department NBA 2k series has some of the best visuals available in any sports game.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

BEST GRAPHICS - Psychonauts

Pure style, amazing how great art direction can go a long way. Sure the game has low res textures all over the place but the style of the game still shines through. Dynamic shadows appear in some parts but sadly not all objects are affected by it. I'm thinking of updating the textures myself to make the game look crisper, even though it still looks great as is.

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Friday, January 29, 2010

BEST GRAPHICS - Team Fortress 2

Valve created something really special when they designed TF2, they successfully mixed the fps genre with a Saturday Morning Cartoon. The game has a very stylized look all the way from the textures to the silhouettes on every model in the game. This game will age very, very well.

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BEST GRAPHICS - Batman: Arkham Asylum

Very nice looking game on the UE3 engine. plays great and looks great.

BEST GRAPHICS - STALKER with Complete 2009 mod

Stalker was a great game when it came out but it was a buggy mess, the devs stuck with it and actually made th game very stable. Stable enough for fans to really start enjoying the game and for a modding community to build around the game. Complete 2009 is a collection of mods that improve the game in almost every way including the graphics.

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BEST GRAPHICS - Halflife 2 with Cinematic Mod

A HL2 fan named FakeFactory has been releasing updates for HL2 for quite a while now and he is up to version 10 as of this writing and it brings HL2 into the new age, new models, new textures and new lighting helps HL2 keep up with the times. Thank goodness Valve left the Source engine so open as to allow these types of mods.

BEST GRAPHICS - Star Wars: The Force Unleased

The game that needs a "$4000 PC to run" game plays just fine on my sub $800 PC, but the devs made an incredibly stupid decision by locking the frames per second at 30. With that being said the game is a very very nice looking game the character models are very very well done and the textures work is superb, many of the highlights of the games are the backdrops which usually have many things going on at once.

BEST GRAPHICS - Prince Of Persia 2008

This game seemed to come out of nowhere, I learned about it 1 month before its release date and I simply fell in love with the art style. One of the most beautiful and fluid games I have ever played, the game itself is very poor due o its repetitive gameplay but its art direction and assets are a pleasure for the eyes.


The best flight simulator I have ever seen, the game looks photorealistic in many aspects.

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BEST GRAPHICS - Crysis and Crysis Warhead

Crytek's 2007 masterpiece, over 4 years of hard work by the guys at Crytek is still being adorned by many many people. The vast draw distances, the dynamic shadows on every single object, the particle effects, quality ingame models, the lighting, the frozen levels, all done in real time make Crysis simply jaw dropping.


A powerhouse of a game when it was released it took the graphics engine of Dirt and stepped it up two fold. The game by default is a blurry mess with overuse of bloom, however with a correctly modified ini file the game finally gets to show off the great texture work and lighting that went into not only the tracks but the vehicles themselves.

BEST GRAPHICS - GTR2 and Rfactor with Mods

Both games running on the Gmotor 2.0 engine have shared a huge amount of user created content that has kept the games alive and kicking for over 3 years. Not to mention graphical updates to tracks, cars, high res textures, new shaders, making the gmotor "catch up" to the latest games and surpassing them with pure fidelity, no fancy blur or over use of bloom.


Having one of the best shaders ever to grace a racing game, NFS Shift is an visual powerhouse.

BEST GRAPHICS - Devil May Cry 4

Capcoms finest PC game to date, great textures great models, great animations.

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A sleeper hit of 2009 with a very unique artstyle using the ever versatile Source engine. Zenoclash is a very beautiful game to feat your eyes on.

BEST GRAPHICS - Dragon Age Origins

Bioware's modern masterpiece,with over 5 years in the making, you really have to wonder how many times the game assets got remade? For a game that is meant to be played from over the top view the amount of detail is incredible. There are low res textures here and there but not many that detract from the experience, and I am confident that modders will fix that very soon.

BEST GRAPHICS - Mirrors Edge

This game is another visual masterpiece and yet again went under the radar... Many locations in the game look like architectural renderings. Great lighting and amazing textures all kept within a consistent art style make Mirrors Edge one the of the most visually pleasing games ever made.


A 2005 masterpiece, this game is still a very good looking game. A lot of the models are a bit outdated but the lighting and the texture work in the environments rival and are even better than some games that are released today.

BEST GRAPHICS - Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

One of the most underrated games I have seen in a while. This title stirred very little conversation, it has solid game play and is a visual treat.
